Elina Ahlback Literary Agency, est. 2009, is one of the leading literary agencies in the Nordic countries and Finland’s #1 literary agency representing award-winning and bestselling Finnish and Nordic authors’ and illustrators’ book, film & TV rights in international markets. In 2020, the Agency was shortlisted for The 2020 International Excellence Awards as one of the TOP3 Literary Agencies in the World at the London Book Fair.

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Bestselling this season

2024, Crime & Suspense


Max Seeck

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2022, Crime & Suspense


A. M. Ollikainen

2021, Crime & Suspense


A. M. Ollikainen

Latest reviews

The Second Coming of Christ

Aki Ollikainen

“Aki Ollikainen’s polished, sharp and concise language enchants in the recognisably written novel THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. The thought-out structure of the historical novel captivates the reader to wait when and how the two panels of the narrative cross. The description of the Northern nature and the mentality of the people is sharp, the author’s eye kindly understanding, and the touch is a joyfully humoristic one, but not at all mocking.”

- The Eeva Joenpelto Jury, 2024

Wolf Cub

Johanna Holmström

“We end up in the middle of the primeval forest, the wilderness. The best writers create their own genre. Like Johanna Holmström. Understanding half of what Johanna Holmström means and wants is enough to think that Wolf Cub is a really good novel, even the best Swedish-language detective, crime, police and suspense novel of the year. A crime novel and novel critical of civilization."

- Bengt Eriksson, Opulens magazine, Sweden


Arttu Tuominen

Arttu Tuominen proves once again that he is no longer an insider tip, but is currently one of the best Nordic suspense writers .


Count Silently To Ten

Laura Kuitunen

"Count Silently to Ten" is a fluently written, linguistically beautiful children’s novel that describes a summer on the border between childhood and adolescence. Although the book depicts childhood in our time, the portrayal of play captures the timeless charm and power of childhood games."

- The Jury of 2024 Nordic Council Children and Young Adults Literature Prize.

How We Met Your Mother

Kaj Korkea-aho

"In this autofictional work, which challenges genre boundaries, the longing to become a parent is explored with raw honesty and an unforced style. The narrator contemplates what the moral lesson of the story could be: is it a tale of failure, or does hope find a happy ending? This creates a tension that is only released in the final lines. For the reader, the resolution of the protagonists’ journey offers a profound emotional experience, built upon strong empathy."

- Finlandia Prize 2024 Jury

Pine Bark

Tommi Kinnunen

"The book gives a voice to the forgotten victims of war, women and children, bypassing official war narratives. It describes, in a compact and carefully crafted manner, the impact of traumatic experiences on a person: what cannot be spoken of cannot be escaped; one must build a shield that also becomes a prison. Piece by piece, the work tensely unveils the tragedy that defines the characters’ lives and explores the multifaceted dimensions of the title motif."

- Finlandia Prize 2024 Jury


Hanna-Riikka Kuisma

"TREATMENT is, however, something that the main characters of Unelmien sielunmessu did not have access to, and the existence of treatment ultimately brings light and hope to a story that could have ended as a hopelessly dark life story and an untimely grave."



Hanna-Riikka Kuisma

"Hanna-Riikka Kuisma's grip is skillful and naturalistic."

Suomen Kuvalehti


Hanna-Riikka Kuisma

"Describing the inner world of a person living in a drug addiction is hardly easy, but Hanna-Riikka Kuisma has done it in a way that feels real."



Hanna-Riikka Kuisma

"KORVAUSHOITO is at its most arresting when it gets to grips with the everyday lives of addicts."

Helsingin Sanomat

The Secret Staircase

Salla Simukka

In this tantalisingly evocative fantasy, the text and vivid illustrations merge into a fine, polished whole. The story is about solving mysteries, making great friends and adapting to huge changes, whether it’s family or the vastness of dimensional boundaries. The narrative is engaging and the illustrations add delicious detail with a lightness of touch that encourages the novice reader to move forward.


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New foreign covers

2022, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Young Adult (13 or 14+)


Elina Pitkäkangas

2020, Crime & Suspense


Arttu Tuominen

2019, Crime & Suspense

The Oath

Arttu Tuominen

2000, Fantasy & Science Fiction


Johanna Sinisalo