Original title: Kun jäljet katoavat
Author: Elina Backman
Published: 2021
Publisher: Otava
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 428
Part of a series: Saana Havas series
Reading material:
Italian PDF. English sample and synopsis, media portfolio.
Is evil lurking beneath the calm waters? Still Waters Run Deep is an awaited sequel to the bestselling All the Kings Men!
Three young men are making a documentary film about a mystical hermit, living in the Isle of Sheep in Helsinki. First, one of them disappears, then another one. When one of them is found dead in the nearby nature reserve, the police becmes involved.
Saana Havas, recovering from burnout, hears that her colleague's younger brother has gone missing and decides to set up a true crime podcast to help with the search. Meanwhile, police commissioner Jan Leino and his team are investigating the disappearance and possible murder of the documentary makers.
When young men disappear and die, it's ofter regarded just an accident. But could it be that someone is actually hunting for them?
Despite the modern approach is this a solid crime novel in the old tradition, with moods rather than explicit violence and with a carefully designed setting.
Lotta Olsson, Dagens Nyheter
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)
DENMARK: Gyldendal
ESTONIA: Varrak Publishers
FILM & TV RIGHTS: Aurora Studios
ITALY: Newton Compton Editori
NORWAY: Cappelen Damm AS
POLAND: Czarna Owca
RUSSIA: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
SWEDEN: Bokfabriken
WORLD FRENCH: HarperCollins France