Original title: Paholaisen pennut
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 2012
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 415
Part of a series: Bodyguard series
Reading material:
Finnish edition
English edition
German edition
When uninvited guests show up at the wedding of a Finnish businessman and his Russian girlfriend for whom Hilja Ilveskero is working, an international mystery begins to unravel. Hidden truths are revealed, and soon Hilja comes face-to-face with an unthinkable tragedy from her childhood: the murder of her mother.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
CZECH REPUBLIC: ARGO spol. s r. o.
FRANCE: Hachette Black Moon
GERMANY: Rowohlt
RUSSIA: Azbooka-Atticus
TURKEY: Nemesis Yayıncılık A.Ş.
UNITED STATES: Amazon Publishing