Pauliina Susi’s literary thriller In the Rear Window (Takaikkuna, Tammi 2015), drawing inspiration from both Alfred Hitchcock and the shrouded dangers of the online era, has drawn universal praise from critics and readers since its publication this spring.
The page-turning novel follows a politician caught in a sex scandal, a vicious and conflicted online troll, and a single mother leading a project to provide support for men frequenting prostitutes.
Susi’s has worked as a journalist and editor at several well-known Finnish magazines, and is known for smartly incorporating newsworthy themes into her fiction. Her debut novel Rush Year (Ruuhkavuosi, Tammi 2005) was nominated for the prestigious Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize.
Contact the Agency for a full English synopsis of In the Rear Window! An English sample will be available later this fall.
Praise for In the Rear Window:
“The Finnish equivalent to the bestsellers of Gillian Flynn and Camilla Läckberg.”
– Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, Finland
“Susi spins narrative threads into an ever-tightening knot. What begins as light suspense darkens with each chapter as online dangers become life-threatening…this isn’t just a novel about technology, but about power and its side effects.”
– Keskisuomalainen newspaper, Finland
”The plot is a skillfully woven web in which computer nerds play with people and coincidence constantly makes a mess of things…In the Rear Window is a book to devour.”
– Turun Sanomat newspaper, Finland
”Each character is more interesting than the one before…The story feels real, and shudder-inducing as a result.”
– Kouvolan Sanomat newspaper, Finland
“Internet stalking is an interesting, hair-raising topic for a thriller. And Susi has skillfully created an addictive and fantastic novel!”
– Lukutoukan kulttuuriblogi (“Bookworm’s Culture Blog“), Finland
About In the Rear Window:
Hate speech. Sex trade. Racism. Single mom Leia Laine becomes entangled in much more than she bargained for when she takes on a project whose aim is to provide support to men who frequent prostitutes. It feels as if half of Finland becomes furious at her.
Among Leia’s new enemies are the new, sharp-tongued Justice Minister whose career is in danger thanks to some unseemly interactions online, and a hacker-turned online troll whose greatest thrill is in crossing virtual boundaries. With each passing hour the hacker’s methods become more and more aggressive. When Leia is confined inside her home with a broken leg, she begins to fear for her life.
Original publisher: FINLAND, Tammi
Reading material:
English sample available soon!
English synopsis
Finnish edition