US and UK rights sold to Salla Simukka’s Snow White Trilogy – Global success for a young Finnish author at the London Book Fair

Simukka_Salla ja kirja_by Ida Saari“We are absolutely thrilled to announce that both the US and UK rights to the SNOW WHITE TRILOGY by Finnish author Salla Simukka have been sold right after the London Book Fair . Foreign sales’ deals have been concluded to date in 15 territories “, reports Literary Agent Elina Ahlbäck at Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.  “This is a historical breakthrough of a Finnish YA author and we congratulate Salla Simukka for her global success!”, she adds.

The North American rights have been acquired by Amazon Children’s Publishing/Skyscape by Larry Kirshbaum and the UK and Commonwealth rights have been sold to Hot Key Books. Simultaneous publication is planned for 2014.

“Discovering these fantastically crafted novels by the very talented Finnish author, Salla Simukka has been a real highlight this year for me. Salla’s courageous and vivid heroine, Lumikki, takes us on a compelling journey, and this outstanding sensual thriller sequence will utterly entrance readers! We are thrilled to be the UK home for The Snow White Trilogy.  “
– Emily Thomas, Publisher, Hot Key Books

The list of foreign sales include:

Belgium, Clavis – Bulgaria, Egmont – Croatia, Znanje – Czech, Egmont – Denmark, Gyldendal – Estonia, Pegasus
France, Hachette Livre – Germany, Arena Verlag – Indonesia, Kompas Gramedia//Bhuana Ilmu Populer – Netherlands, Clavis
Norway, Gyldendal – Sweden, Rabén & Sjögren – Turkey, Altin Kitaplar – UK, Hot Key Books
US, Amazon Children’s Publishing/Skyscape – Original publisher: Finland, Tammi

In Finland, Book 1 in The Snow White Trilogy: As Red as Blood was originally published by Tammi Publishers in February 2013 to great reviews and excellent sales. Book 2: As White as Snow will publish in Finland in October 2013 and Book 3 As Black as Ebony in Spring 2014.  Internationally, Snow White Trilogy will start publishing in Summer 2014 with As Red as Blood to be published in many territories all over the world.

“What a strong, extraordinary and compelling new voice! And what a thrilling and convincing story!”
– Katrin Weller, Arena Verlag, Germany

“Lumikki (Snow White) is a strong and vibrant heroine whose trials and tribulations I personally look forward to sharing with our readers.  No doubt this new voice will have the greatest happily ever after with the French YA community of readers.”
– Aurélia Goyens, Editor,  Hachette Livre Black Moon, France

“Salla Simukka writes very intelligent, fluent and exciting books with the right tension and balance between romance, intrigue and crime. We believe Dutch and Belgian young adults will be hungry to read these books.”
– Ritva Lukkarinen and Philippe Werck, Publisher, Clavis Uitgeverij, Netherlands, Belgium

Author bio: Salla Simukka (b. 1981) is a translator and author of juvenile fiction. She has written several novels and one collection of short prose for young readers, and has translated adult fiction, children’s books, and plays. She writes book reviews for the newspapers Helsingin Sanomat and Hämeen Sanomat and the weekly Suomen Kuvalehti. In addition, she is associate editor at a literary publication for young people, Lukufiilis. In January 2013 Salla Simukka was awarded with the Topelius Prize for her novels Without a Trace (Jäljellä, Tammi Spring 2012) and Elsewhere (Toisaalla, Tammi Fall 2012). Established in 1946, the Topelius Prize is Finland’s oldest prize in recognition of the best Finnish book for children and young people. These days, the prize is awarded for the best youth novel.
Author photo credits © Ida Saari

World rights and enquiries: Elina Ahlbäck, Literary Agent – – tel. + 358 400 548 402