INHERITED LAND by Maria Turtschaninoff sold in a four-way auction to Norway!

Breaking news from Frankfurt book fair: We are thrilled to announce that the Norwegian rights for INHERITED LAND (Arvejord) by internationally bestselling and award-winning author Maria Turtschaninoff have been sold to Bonnier Norsk Forlag in a highly contested four-way auction during Frankfurt book fair! The deal was closed by Anna Kappauf at Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

INHERITED LAND was our book of the fair and has now been sold to 9 territories.

Maria Turtschaninoff’s outstanding novel follows the tradition of family sagas like One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, and the ancestral history holds a mirror up to the history of Finland as a nation, shown in this novel through snapshots of each character’s life. The original Finland-Swedish edition was published in August by Förlaget to excellent reviews, and the title is already in its second printing.

Praise from Anne Fløtaker at Bonnier Norsk Forlag, who won the auction for Norwegian rights for INHERITED LAND:

“I am so full of admiration for this novel, such an elegant and strong prose and structure. I love how the stories intertwine, but you’re not at any point confused. And how matter of fact, but also imaginative and vivid the narrative is. One of my greatest reading experiences growing up was Väinö Linna’s trilogy — this is of course a very different book, but there is a core of the same urgency that have me totally captivated.”

If you want to join the rapidly growing international publishing family for INHERITED LAND, we recommend you read quickly and get in touch with us!

Download the reading material for INHERITED LAND here

Förlaget, 2022, 371 pp.

Swedish edition
English sample and synopsis

FINLAND: Förlaget (orig. Finland-Swedish)
FINLAND: Tammi (Finnish)
DENMARK: Alpha Forlag
GERMANY: Rowohlt
NETHERLANDS: Atlas Contact
NORWAY: Bonnier Norsk Forlag
ROMANIA: Editura Univers
SWEDEN: Förlaget

About author

Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff is known for crafting lyrical, historically inspired fantasy stories starring strong female protagonists. In addition to J.R.R. Tolkien, she counts Philip Pullman, Ursula K. Le Guin and C.S. Lewis among her favorite authors. She is a two-time winner of the Society of Swedish Literature Prize, winner of the Swedish YLE Literature Prize, winner of the Thank You for the Book Award, a nominee for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (2020-2024), and winner of the 2014 Finlandia Junior Prize. In 2024, Maria Turtschaninoff won the Eeva Joenpelto Literary Prize (10,000 euro award) for her literary masterpiece Inherited Land.

Her Red Abbey Chronicles YA trilogy has been sold into 30 languages, while her first adult novel Inherited Land has been sold to 23 territories. Maria has a Master of Arts in human ecology and works full-time as a writer.


2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years)

The Manticore

Maria Turtschaninoff

2022, Literary Fiction

Inherited Land

Maria Turtschaninoff

2018, Young Adult (13 or 14+)

Maresi: Red Mantle

Maria Turtschaninoff

2016, Young Adult (13 or 14+)


Maria Turtschaninoff

2014, Young Adult (13 or 14+)


Maria Turtschaninoff