Ukrainian rights for TOVE JANSSON: WORK AND LOVE sold to Prometey/Athena!

We’re happy to announce that Ukrainian rights for TOVE JANSSON: Work and Love by Tuula Karjalainen have been acquired by the Athena imprint of Prometey Publishing House. According to their official biography, “Prometey is a new publishing house that aims at the comprehensive development of the individual.” In fiction, nonfiction, and children’s, they seek the betterment of humanity through both Ukrainian and foreign titles that can help us all in times of strife.

Tove Jansson (1914-2001) is the brilliant creative genius behind the famous Moomin IP. This biography details her long, colourful and productive life, along with her significant impact on the political, social and cultural history of 20th-century Finland. And while millions of children have grown up with Little My, Snufkin, Moomintroll and the many creatures of Moominvalley, the life of Jansson – daughter, friend and companion – is more touching still. This book weaves together the myriad qualities of a painter, author, illustrator, scriptwriter and lyricist from fraught beginnings through fame, war and heartbreak and ultimately to a peaceful end.

Click here to download the English PDF of TOVE JANSSON: WORK AND LOVE.

Publication Info:
Tove Jansson tee työtä ja rakasta, Tammi 2013, 300 pp.

Rights Sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.), CHINA: CITIC, DENMARK: Turbine forlaget, ESTONIA: Varrak Publishers, GERMANY: Urachhaus GmbH, JAPAN: Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd, Publishers, RUSSIA: AST Publishers /Mainstream, SOUTH KOREA: Munhak Dogne Publishing Group, UKRAINE: Prometey, UNITED KINGDOM: Penguin Press

Reading Materials:
English edition

About author

Tuula Karjalainen

Dr. Tuula Karjalainen is a Finnish art historian and non-fiction writer who has previously worked as a director of the Helsinki Art Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki. As the author of Tove Jansson’s biography, Tuula Karjalainen has become an expert not only on Jansson’s works but also on her several decades of personal correspondence and journals.


2013, General Nonfiction, Memories & Biographies

Tove Jansson: Work and Love

Tuula Karjalainen

Tove Jansson biography WORK AND LOVE sold to Denmark

We are happy to announce that Tove Jansson biography Work and Love by Tuula Karjalainen has been sold to Turbine forlaget in Denmark. This is the 10th foreign sales for this classic biography of the beloved Moomin author.

Tove Jansson: Work and Love is the definitive biography of one of the most unique and beloved children’s authors of the 20th century, the creator of the Moomins. Tove Jansson (1914-2001) led a long, colourful and productive life, impacting significantly the political, social and cultural history of 20th-century Finland.


Rights sold:
CHINA, Shanghai Cai Qin Ren Culture Diffusion
DENMARK, Turbine
FINLAND, Schildts & Söderströms (Swedish)

GERMANY, Urachhaus
JAPAN, Kawade Shobo Shinsha

NORWAY, Heinesen
SWEDEN, Norstedts


Reading materials:
Finnish edition
English PDF

About author

Tuula Karjalainen

Dr. Tuula Karjalainen is a Finnish art historian and non-fiction writer who has previously worked as a director of the Helsinki Art Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki. As the author of Tove Jansson’s biography, Tuula Karjalainen has become an expert not only on Jansson’s works but also on her several decades of personal correspondence and journals.


2013, General Nonfiction, Memories & Biographies

Tove Jansson: Work and Love

Tuula Karjalainen

Happy New Year: January’s non-fiction news

Happy New Year! We are back from the holidays, ready for 2018, and glad to share news about our latest deals, this time on the non-fiction front.

As Katja Pantzar puts the finishing touches to her part-memoir, part-guidance Finding Sisu, due to be published in original English in March 2018, new deals have been struck for the book. Jaffa Kiadó and Hojosha acquired the Hungarian and Japanese language rights respectively, which ring in the 13th and 14th deals for the book.

“A book filled with the tips to live an open-minded and joyful life. What’s more, they are all easy and amazingly economical! I’d like to recommend this book to Japanese people who are used to spending money on interior activities, so that they’ll remember the vastness of the sky and how comfortable it is to be outside. Perhaps the onsen (hot spring) -loving Japanese folks might even feel like to jump into cold water after reading this book!?” said Japanese Hojosha on acquisition.

Also, a new book answering to the growing demand for children’s non-fiction, What Is the Night?, written by Laura Ertimo and illustrated by Satu Kontinen, has been sold to the prestigious CITIC Press in China. Over four, beautifully illustrated chapters What is the Night? spins a captivating tale of true facts interspersed with myths and legends: a bedtime book for knowledge-hungry kids and a literary tonic for insomniacs or those afraid of the dark.

Additionally, new foreign editions of our non-fiction titles have been published around the world. The Tove Jansson biography Work and Love by Tuula Karjalainen has been published in Russian, The Sauna Cookbook by Katariina Vuori, Janne Pekkala and Vesa Ranta in Hungarian, and The Charm of Ice – a book on figure skating by Leena Lehtolainen, Kaisa Viitanen and Elina Paasonen – in Japanese.

Let us know if you’d like to receive English language materials for any of these titles by clicking here.

FINDING SISU rights sold:
CHINA, Yeeyan Publishing
CZECH REP., Mladá Fronta
FINLAND, Siltala
FRANCE, Belfond
GERMANY, Bastei Lübbe
HUNGARY, Jaffa Kiado
ITALY, Marsilio/Sonzogno
JAPAN, Hojosha
SPAIN, Roca Editorial (WS)
UK, Hodder/Hachette (WE) (orig. publisher)
US, Tarcher Perigee/Penguin Random House

WHAT IS THE NIGHT? rights sold:
FINLAND, Myllylahti (orig. publisher)

CHINA, Shanghai Cai Qin Ren Culture Diffusion
FINLAND, Schildts & Söderströms (Swedish)
FINLAND, Tammi (orig. publisher)
GERMANY, Urachhaus
JAPAN, Kawade Shobo Shinsha
NORWAY, Heinesen
SWEDEN, Norstedts

ESTONIA, Pegasus
FINLAND, Tammi (orig. publisher)
GERMANY, btb Luchterhand
HUNGARY, Corvina Kiadó

THE CHARM OF ICE rights sold:
FINLAND, Tammi (orig. publisher)
JAPAN, Sunmark