
Saara Turunen

Original title: Rakkaudenhirviö

Author: Saara Turunen

Published: 2015

Publisher: Tammi

Genre: Literary Fiction

Pages: 441

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English sample & synopsis

Love/Monster is a strong, unique novel about the lust for life, shame, yearning, and trying to belong somewhere. It is a self-portrait of an artist that expands into an exploration of cultural identity, gender roles, and the demand of being “normal”.

In Love/Monster a young woman is finding her own place in the world by constantly changing the scenery. Instead of answers, the only thing she finds is her own shadow, the feeling of worthlessness and the inability to love herself. The narrative voice is often playful and amusing, as the novel tackles big themes with the aid of humor.

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Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)

About author

Saara Turunen

Saara Turunen is an internationally acclaimed award-winning author, playwright and director. Much of her work examines the themes of art, identity and social norms. Turunen is known for her four highly acclaimed novels -Hyena Days (2024) - Irrational Things (2021), The Bystander (2018) and Love/Monster (2015), but also for her work in theatre. Her works have been translated into 16 languages and performed all around the world. Turunen has received the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize in 2015, the Finland Prize in 2016, the City of Helsinki’s The Artist of the Year Award in 2018 and the Lea-Prize in 2020, all high-profile awards given in Finland.


2024, Literary Fiction

Saara Turunen

Hyena Days

2021, Literary Fiction

Saara Turunen

Irrational Things

2018, Literary Fiction

Saara Turunen

The Bystander

2015, Literary Fiction

Saara Turunen
