Frank Martela’s A WONDERFUL LIFE is published in Finland and already conquering Finnish bestseller lists!


We are glad to tell you that A WONDERFUL LIFE is now in TOP10 non-fiction lists in all major bookstore chains in Finland.

The title has sold already to 18 territories around the world but the rights are still available in Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Denmark, Poland, United Kingdom, China etc

Ask for the full English pdf here


I really liked Frank Martela’s book. It was profound, but not too much. It made me think and question my own life. It made me think about what I want to do from now on – what things are really relevant to me and at what moments I experience feelings of relevance. It made me miss my loved ones.
– Destination Happyness blog


The book is definitely worth reading, and its message is very important right now. It intoduces good questions, and provides the tools to make your own life as meaningful as possible every single day.

– Inspirations blog

The book is a great introspection into finding what truly matters to you. I started reading it just before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and am now writing this after a month of the world in a tumble dryer. In these extraordinary times, I find it comforting to be able to understand myself – and all of humanity – and what actually matters. Hence, in these times, the title of this book could be “Science-backed multidisciplinary guide to being successful (according to metrics set by YOU)”.

I hope all leaders in these times of economical crisis would read this book and find guidance to policy-making from within themselves, using the book as a tool for reflection.
– five-star review by Joonas Kiminki

The book can best be summed up in this quote by Alan W. Watts and the suggestion of Martela in the end of the book:

“We thought of life by an analogy—as a journey or a pilgrimage—which has a serious purpose at the end. The thing was to get to that end, success, or whatever it is, or maybe Heaven after you are dead, but we missed the point along the whole way. It was a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing or dance while the music was being played.”

One day the music will stop. What happens afterward no one knows. But there’s no point in waiting for the silence. If you’re reading this, then the music is still playing for you. So go out and dance.

– review by Mervi Rauhala

Rights sold

Rights sold:

UNITED STATES: HarperCollins/Harper Design (orig.)

CROATIA: Planetopija
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat
FINLAND: Gummerus
FRANCE: Editions Leduc.s
GERMANY: Blessing Verlag
GREECE: Klidarithmos
JAPAN: HarperCollins Japan
KOREA: Across Publishing
LATIN AMERICA: Ediciones Urano
NORWAY: Gursli Berg Forlag
ROMANIA: Editura Humanitas
RUSSIA: Bombora
SPAIN: Ediciones Urano (World Spanish)
TURKEY: Orman Kitap

About author

Frank Martela

Professor Frank Martela, PhD, is a philosopher and researcher of psychology specializing in the question of meaning in life. His articles have appeared in Scientific American Mind, Harvard Business Review, Salon, CNBC and his work has been featured on Quartz and on the BBC. His research has been published extensively in numerous academic journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality, Metaphilosophy, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Academy of Management Review. He has spoken to more than one hundred audiences worldwide, including invited lectures in universities on five continents, including Stanford University and Harvard University. He’s been interviewed by the New York Times, Discover Magazine, New Scientist, Vice News, Fox News,and Monocle Observer among others. He is Assistant Professor at Aalto University in Finland. Outside of work, Frank is a father to three lovely children, an amateur-level soccer player, with an occasional skiing trip in the winters. He is made in Green Bay, so Packers holds a special place in his heart.


2025, Personal Growth & Lifestyle

Stop Chasing Happiness: A Pessimist’s Guide to a Good Life

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The Meaning Manifesto: Why Work Needs to Have a Purpose

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2020, Personal Growth & Lifestyle

A Wonderful Life: Insights on Finding a Meaningful Existence

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