This week we are delighted to announce three new deals for our hotlist titles, The Angels of Hammurabi (Hammurabin Enkelit) by Max Seeck, and Roots (Juurihoito) by Miika Nousiainen.
Seeck’s gripping, contemporary thriller set in Helsinki and Croatia about a missing embassy official and buried secrets from the Yugoslav Wars, went to Blanvalet (Verlagsgruppe Random House), publisher of Robert Galbraith and Paula Hawkins, at auction, agented by Lotta Dufva. Quoting Beatrice Lampe, editor at Blanvalet, “Max Seeck’s action thriller develops at a breakneck speed – as mesmerizing to read as it would be to watch from a cinema seat.”
Meanwhile, Miika Nousiainen’s newly-published fourth novel exploring family with dentistry was successfully pre-empted by Nagel & Kimche, Hanser’s Swiss imprint and publishers of César Aira, Andrea Camilleri and William S. Burroughs
“Roots is everything one could hope for: a humorous, whip-smart novel about serious themes of ancestry, identity, accident of birth, otherness and family ties. A touching story with endearing characters. Wholly recommended.” – Dirk Vaihinger, Publisher, Nagel & Kimche, Zürich
Lithuanian rights to Roots sold to Alma Littera, the Baltic state’s major trade publisher of Doerr, Franzen, Garcia Marquez and Rowling, earlier in the week. Editor Ingrida Dubauskienė was full of praise for the novel: “Miika Nousiainen‘s book is full of wit and wisdom and unexpected parallels between dentistry and family. It is a deeply touching story that is guaranteed to make you feel good.”
The Angels of Hammurabi (Hammurabin Enkelit)
Rights sold:
FINLAND, Tammi (Original publisher)
GERMANY, Blanvalet
Reading material:
Full English manuscript
Finnish edition
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Roots (Juurihoito)
Rights sold:
FINLAND, Otava (Original publisher)
GERMANY, Nagel & Kimche
ITALY, Iperborea
LITHUANIA, Alma Littera
SWEDEN, Brombergs
Reading material:
English sample & synopsis (coming soon)
Finnish edition
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