Original title: Tompan parempi päivä
Author: Kristiina Louhi
Published: 1996
Publisher: FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
Genre: Picture Books (0-3 Years)
Pages: 32
Part of a series: Tommy series
Reading material:
Finnish edition
Full English sample
The beautiful Tommy book series created by the award-winning illustrator and author Kristiina Louhi
The adorable little boy Tommy and his development – from early baby days into toddlerhood and beyond – is followed with vivid images and an engaging story. Tommy was first introduced to the public in the book Our Tommy in 1993, and the books have since gained a classic status amongst children’s books.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
CHINA: Anhui Children's Publishing House
LEBANON: Dar Kreidieh