We are really happy to let you know that Serbian publisher Laguna has acquired the first title of Middle-Grade MONSTER NANNY trilogy by Tuutikki Tolonen.
The series has now 31 publishers around the world and a feature film in development by Scott Free Productions.
The rights are still available in the UK, Japan, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Iceland, Croatia, Israel etc.
If you are interested, download the English materials for the Monster Nanny trilogy by clicking here.
The three books are all wonderfully illustrated by Pasi Pitkänen.
„Monster Nanny“ is a sweet & surprising book that shows us that children are the best guardians of curiosity, a skill that adults forget about while making money all the time. This novel reminds us of the most important lesson in our lives: imagination is the path to accept diversity and the path to finding home.
-Zoran Penevski, senior children’s editor, Laguna, Serbia
Book 1: Monster Nanny
Mörkövahti. Tammi 2015, 300 pp.
The Hellman children must make do with a nanny while their mother is away at a spa. The only problem? Their nanny is a monster.
Grah is hairy, dusty, and doesn’t talk. When the siblings discover that other neighbourhood kids have been left with similar creatures, they start to wonder where the monsters came from. With the parents away, the kids work together (between bickering) to figure out the mystery of the monsters.
Book 2: Monster Route
Mörköreitti. Tammi 2016, 280 pp.
Mimi 6 years, has snuck into the monsters’ underground world after her monster friend Grah. She travels in their tunnels, led by the odd Gate Keeper. Back at home, Koby and Halley put their heads together and manage to get in touch with Mimi. But who is the mysterious and frightening ruler of the monster world?
Book 3: Monster Message
Mörköviesti, Tammi, March 2020, 250 pp.
Hellman kids face new troubles. Mom and Dad want to move into a bigger home on the other side of the city. Mimi’s talking bathrobe feels strangely shrunk, and drops hints of leaving. Monstrologist Runar Kalli is starting to act his age without his rejuvenating root potion – and he’s 122. Something must be done. When Mimi finds crumpled leaves with strange markings in her room, they look like messages from underground, but who’s delivering them and why? And why does the Gatekeeper of the underground world appear in their bathroom? |