Rave reviews for Miina Supinen’s adult fairy tale, Jingle Land

SupinennewsletterMay2015Jingle Land (Mantelimaa, WSOY 2015), author Miina Supinen’s frightening, satirical and touching adult fairy tale reminiscent of Tim Burton, has received glowing reviews since its publication in August. Critics are praising Supinen’s ability to recognize the absurd in societal conventions.

“The novel deals with serious topics under the guise of a comedy. Supinen encapsulates reality through a skillful use of cliches, and dismantles mundane, one-track thinking.”
Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, Finland

“The story’s perceptive narrator puts many of our society’s ossified conceptions through the wringer.”
Me Naiset magazine, Finland

“This is a must-buy Christmas gift for someone who isn’t a huge fan of Christmas as backwards as this idea may seem.”
Mari A:n kirjablogi (“Mari A’s Book Blog”), Finland

Jingle Land is set in an over-the-top theme park ruled by a man obsessed with two things: Christmas and his childhood crush, a former pop star named Molli. Contact the Agency for a full English synopsis and excerpt, published in the celebratory English-language issue of the Finnish Granta last year. An English sample will be available in October.

Original publisher: FINLAND, WSOY
CZECH REPUBLIC, Nakladatelství Brána  (Ray Girl)
DENMARK, Turbine (Ray Girl)
GERMANY, Suhrkamp (Ray Girl and Jelly Control)

Reading materials: Jingle Land
English excerpt
English sample available soon!
English synopsis
Finnish edition

Contact: info@ahlbackagency.com