We are delighted to announce that Varrak has acquired Estonian rights to Katri Lipson’s The Ice Cream Man (Jäätelökauppias, Tammi 2012), winner of the 2013 EU Prize for Literature, which recognizes the best new or emerging authors in Europe. Rights are now sold in eight territories!
Last week Lipson celebrated the World English publication of The Ice Cream Man with AmazonCrossing at the Frankfurt Book Fair, meeting publishers and signing copies of the book. “AmazonCrossing is excited to publish Katri Lipson’s innovative novel,” says Acquiring Editor Gabriella Page-Fort. “The Ice-Cream Man opened my mind to new possibilities in storytelling. The book is at once classic and groundbreaking, and we look forward to bringing it to English-language readers worldwide.”
“Never before have I read a family chronicle told in such an original way. Even though the plot is basically a simple story about a mother, a son and his daughter, the reading experience is something altogether different; it is a breathtakingly brilliant and skilful depiction of Europeanness…,” wrote Turun Sanomat newspaper in their review.
Set in the Czech Republic and Sweden, The Ice Cream Man explores themes of guilt, humanity and the fuzzy lines between fact and fiction in a narrative spanning several generations. It has been universally praised by critics.
Rights sold:
Original publisher: FINLAND, Tammi
DENMARK, Jensen & Dalgaard
HUNGARY, Typotex
TURKEY, Nemesis
WORLD ENGLISH, AmazonCrossing
EU Prize for Literature 2013 (The Ice Cream Man)
Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize 2008 (Cosmonaut)
Nominated for the Finlandia Prize 2008 (Cosmonaut)
Reading material:
English edition
Czech edition
German sample
Finnish edition
Contact: info@ahlbackagency.com