Beauty meets two beasts. A mystical love story from Finland by Miina Supinen.

supinen2We are thrilled to announce the representation of an award-winning Finnish author, who is considered the funniest and most effervescent female writer in Finland: Miina Supinen and her mystical love story RAY GIRL!

Ray Girl (Säde, WSOY 2013) was published on September 18th by WSOY as their lead title for Fall 2013 and is the second highly anticipated novel from a unique writing talent.

Beauty meets two beasts in search of the meaning of life and death.

Everyone loves Säde. She’s every man’s dream and every woman’s best friend, a fun-loving, carefree, and delightfully sexually uninhibited young archaeologist. But such girls don’t really exist. The deepest secrets lurk behind the broadest smiles. This is not a girl you want to invite to the dig.

Writer Miina Supinen: “… I wanted to write a novel about the most important things in life – love and death. I wanted to say something new and fresh, genuine and heart-breaking and still fabulously fun. It’s an extraordinary love triangle, a novel about light and shadow, about the impermanence of everything and amazingly good sex. Plus a little about archaeology and ancient gods and wildflowers.”

Victor had no expectations of life after death. But here he is, watching while a serious woman pulls a serious little boy on a sledge through a snow storm. How did it all happen? Vivacious Säde (Ray Girl) and cynical Victor are beavering away on archaeological excavations in Finland, led by fiery and charismatic Voula with a motley crew of disciples worshipping ancient gods. At home, Säde has Antti, a successful game programmer, waiting for her. What will the excavations turn up? Do gods exist? Who wins the heart of care-free Säde?

Ray Girl is a mystical love story, an unusual love triangle, a comedy about the collision between faith and science, a coming-of-age story that combines genres and a novel about an atheist who wants to belong to a cult.

Author bio:

Miina Supinen (b. 1976) is a journalist, essayist and author. Her critically acclaimed novels and short stories have a dedicated fan following, and many consider her the funniest, most effervescent female writer in Finland. Nominated for the Helsingin Sanomat Debut Book of the Year Award in 2007, her novel Jelly Control (2007), is a cult classic. The collection of short stories Land of the Apatosaurus was nominated for the 2010 Runeberg Prize. Based on Supinen’s radio plays, Violet Jawbone’s Career Guide was published in spring 2013. Her latest book, Ray Girl (2013), is a mystical love story sure to make you laugh and likely to make you cry.

Reading material:
Finnish edition
English synopsis
English sample

World Rights: Elina Ahlbäck Literary Agency:

Please ask for reading materials: Everyone loves Säde. She’s every man’s dream and every woman’s best friend!