We are also thrilled to share that THE FOX AND THE SILENCE by Reetta Niemelä and Eri Shimatsuka was sold to Japan! Iwanami Shoten acquired the rights in a deal closed by Elsa Lindström at Elina Ahlback Agency in cooperation with Tuttle-Mori Agency in Japan.
THE FOX AND THE SILENCE is a new picture book collaboration between the winner of the Arvid Lydecken Award 2022 Reetta Niemelä and textile artist and illustrator Eri Shimatsuka.
Iwanami Shoten are a renowned publisher famous for classics. They are The Japanese publisher of Astrid Lindgren and other authors like Frida Nilsson, Mariko Tamaki, and Anni Swan.
They praised the title saying:
“A lovely fox who has big ears but loves silence. With his rich sensibility and big courage, this picture book gently shows young kids how differently we see, smell, hear, taste and feel the world.
What an amazing book !”
Curious to find out more about this title? We have a full English translation for you to read!
Kettu ja hiljaisuus
Otava, September 2023, 32 pp.
Age group: 0-3
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)
JAPAN: Iwanami Shoten
Reading materials:
Full English sample translation
Eri Shimatsuka
Eri Shimatsuka is a Helsinki based Japanese designer and a writer.
Her designs are inspired from Nordic nature and fragments of everyday life. She designs for different brands in Japan and Finland such as Marimekko and Lapuan Kankurit.
She has written many books about Finnish design and everyday life.
'Kettu ja hiljaisuus' with Reetta Niemelä (2022) is her first illustrated picture book.
Reetta Niemelä
Reetta Niemelä is an award-winning children’s author. She has written poetry collections, picture books, nonfiction, study material and many beloved book series for children. For her work, she’s been awarded e.g. Kaarina Helakisa Award and for her nonfiction the Tietopöllö award. Niemelä’s fantasy novel Black Moon Inn, illustrated by Katri Kirkkopelto, won the Arvid Lydecken Award, was nominated for Finlandia Junior and was selected as the audience favourite.
Topics related to nature and especially animals are recurring themes in Niemelä’s work. She wants to focus on how literature and language can give a voice to the silent ones.