Original title: Uskollinen lukija
Author: Max Seeck
Published: 2019
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 400
Part of a series: Jessica Niemi series
Reading material:
English edition and synopsis
Big Hollywood film & TV news coming soon!
The coolest Nordic Noir comes from Finland! In this psychological thriller from New York Times bestselling author, Max Seeck, a strong female detective chases a serial killer.
Detective Jessica Niemi is called to investigate a murder case that is out of ordinary. The wife of a famous writer, Roger Koponen, seems to have been killed in a bizarre ritual. As more ritual murders occur, it becomes obvious that Jessica is after a serial killer.
But the murders are not random – they follow a pattern taken from Roger’s bestselling trilogy. Has a fan gone mad, or is this case more personal? How can Jessica stop a criminal who knows every detail of the book even better than the author?
“The Witch Hunter", translated with icy precision by Kristian London, is written in short, sharp, present tense chapters, a technique which adds to its relentless tension. Flashbacks to earlier episodes in Jessica’s life suggest that the strangeness currently unfolding is tied to her personal history. Discovering the how and why of it brings a resolution as bleak as anything Poe might have conjured.”–Wall Street Journal
“The Witch Hunter, Finnish novelist Max Seeck’s pulse-quickening English-language debut, is a genre twofer: it gives crime-novel enthusiasts a satisfying puzzle to logic out, and it offers fans of supernatural tales a look at the world of, as one character puts it, ‘amulets, rabbit feet, you name it… a police procedural with paranormal activity at its black heart.” –Shelf Awareness
“[A] rich, intensely suspenseful thriller. Seeck’s debut is dark and intricate—the moments of revelation are as vividly cinematic and impactful every time. Seeck has an uncanny ability to unspool reveals at just the right pace to get the reader’s heart pounding as they make the connection at the same moment as the detective on page. His expertise with pacing, his careful plotting, and his choice to use short, quick chapters all combine to create a vivid, robust thriller.” - Booklist Starred Review
“One twist follows another, baffling the police and readers alike. Seeck imbues this riveting procedural with a deliciously creepy undertone. Readers will be excited to see what Seeck does next.”–Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review
“Seeck’s riveting, multi-layered debut, blending masterful police procedural with a chilling exploration of the occult, kept me up all night, devouring it in one amazing gulp, and checking under the bed.”—Sara Blaedel, #1 International Bestselling Author
“The Witch Hunteris everything I wish for in a thriller: exceptional story, exceptional characters, exceptional writing, and shocking twists—exceptional everything. I loved this book, and you will too.”—Chris Mooney, author of Blood World
“One of the best books I have read. Ever. Absolutely thrilling, well-written, and oh-so-hard to put down.”—Emelie Schepp, author of Slowly We Die
“The Witch Hunter provides further proof that some of the best contemporary mysteries come from Europe’s frozen north…. Atmospheric to the max, the gray skies and snowy city streets of Seeck’s Helsinki would be enough to give you the shivers on their own, but the killer (or killers) at play here are the stuff of nightmares.” -BookPage, November 2020
"An intensely malevolent tale set in Finland, that effectively merges the criminal and the supernatural into a delightfully creepy thriller." – Raven Crime Reads, UK
"Max is a true master of suspense and when we read THE FAITHFUL READERit was clear that this was meant tobe a drama series full of sharp twistsand surprises. He’s drawn a dark and terrifying world with a mysteriouslead in the center of the storm. Thisone will keep you up at night." – JP Sarni, Stampede Ventures’ Head of International Content and Worldwide Content Acquisitions, LA
“One twist follows another, baffling the police and readers alike. Seeck imbues this riveting procedural with a deliciously creepy undertone. Readers will be excited to see what Seeck does next.”
– Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
DENMARK: Gutkind
ESTONIA: Pegasus
FILM & TV RIGHTS: Stampede Ventures
FRANCE: Michel Lafon
GERMANY: Bastei Lübbe GmbH & Co. KG
GREECE: Livanis
ICELAND: Forlagid
ISRAEL: Tchelet Books/ Steimatzky
ITALY: Edizioni Piemme S.p.a
LATVIA: Latvijas Mediji
LITHUANIA: Baltos lankos
NORWAY: Aschehoug
POLAND: Sonia Draga
PORTUGAL: Bertrand Editora Lda
RUSSIA: AST Publishers
SERBIA: Vulkan
SOUTH KOREA: Cheongmirae
SPAIN & LATIN AMERICA: Maeva Ediciones
SWEDEN: Albert Bonniers Förlag
TURKEY: Doğan Kitap
UK: Welbeck Publishing
UKRAINE: Family Leisure Club
USA & CANADA: Berkley / Penguin Random House
WORLD ARABIC: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc.