We are thrilled to share that Count Silently to Ten by Laura Lähteenmäki, the poignant middle-grade novel and Nordic Literary Prize nominee, has been acquired for publication in even more countries!
Following the recent announcement of rights being sold to Germany and Estonia, as well as the earlier acquisition to Italy, we are excited to reveal that Polish publisher Muchomor has now acquired the rights to publish this beautiful middle-grade novel in Poland. The deal was closed by Martti Berner.
The rights are still available in France, Sweden, Hungary, Greece…
Click here to request reading materials for COUNT SILENTLY TO TEN.
Publication Info:
Laske salaa kymmeneen, WSOY 2024, 206 pp
Rights Sold:
FINLAND: WSOY (orig.),
GERMANY: Carlsen
ITALY: Terre di Mezzo Editore
POLAND: Muchomor
Reading Material:
English sample & synopsis
Full Swedish translation
Finnish edition