A suitcase full of wonders.
✓ Sanna-Sofia Vuori is a Runeberg Prize and Finlandia Junior Prize nominated children’s author
✓ The books by Sanna-Sofia Vuori are cosy read to both children and adults
✓ Traditional and utterly charming illustrations
A charming and enchanting children’s tale.
“Daria Duck staggered down the hill, kicking up sand and wobbling her bowler hat. She was on her way to see her best friend, Froberta Frog.”
Daria spots a battered suitcase in Froberta’s gateway. What on earth could be in it?
One by one, the neighbours turn up at Froberta’s house to wonder about the strange suitcase. Each visitor invents a story about what might be inside that reflects their own personality. For example, Simo the Lemon Butterfly’s imagination is full of fairies and dew beads. Etty Snail, on the other hand, thinks the contents will be a rockstar’s guitar. Finally, the suitcase is opened and the contents delight everyone!
“Sanna Sofia Vuori is a skilled writer who creates great drama with small means. There is a quirky finesse in letting the child herself imagine what happens to the friend gone astray.”
– Hufvudstadsbladet newspaper, Finland (on Saana Sofia Vuori’s book Badger Goes Missing)