Esko-Pekka Tiitinen wins the Savonia Prize

Esko-Pekka Tiitinen Kiven sylissäEsko-Pekka Tiitinen, famous for his youth novels, has received the 22nd Savonia Prize for his mining community portrayal Kiven sylissä. This was the 3rd time Tiitinen was nominated for the prize, granted by the city of Kuopio. Esko-Pekka Tiitinen’s previous achievements include the Finlandia Junior Prize for his youth novel Woolheads (Villapäät) and the environmental children’s picture book The Drops of Life (Kyyhkyn kysymys) in collaboration with his son, illustrator Nikolai Tiitinen. Please request for more information and sample translations of Esko-Pekka Tiitinen’s works!